Day 7 - the Gift of Rest

As you begin the second half of your 12 Days of Prayer, give your cozy corner a once over. 
What can you do to make your space more inviting, comfortable, and beautiful?  Be creative!
  • take a few minutes, put on a pot of coffee or hot water for tea, come back and tidy up loose papers, neatly stack your books, light a candle, fluff your throw pillows, ... pour yourself a cup of something yummy, and come back ready to relax in your quiet place
You were made for beauty in the image of the Great Creator of this breath-taking world, and when He finished His creative work, He rested.
  • read Genesis 2:2-3 and Exodus 20:8 and write them in your journal
  • Read Exodus 20:8-11
Rest... a gift and a command.

Hidden in every command is a gift. When we disobey, we miss the blessing and often face consequences.

The word "rested" in Genesis is "shabath", from it comes the word "Sabbath".  How nice of the LORD to write "remember the 'rest'-day'" among the 10 Comandments!

Some of us, like a cranky two year old being told to take a nap, react with in a tearful whine, "I'm not tired."

We so need to rest.   Oh, how we need our Father-Shepherd to "make us lie down in green pastures"! (Psalm 23)
  • What keeps you from resting?  (Try to list 12 specific things things.)
Tomorrow we'll be looking at Mary who "treasured" and "pondered".

It is difficult to "ponder" the deep and meaningful things when you're frazzled.

In the meantime, do some resting today.  Go for a walk, sit on a bench, take a nap, order pizza for an easy dinner, go to bed early, go for a drive this evening to look at Christmas lights, put on some Christmas music and snuggle up by your Christmas tree, ...

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  Colossians 3:17


Go outside, and find 12 rock, one for each of your 12 concerns.  (If you live in a place where the ground is already frozen, buy a bag of river rocks next time you're at a craft store.)  If you have a fine-tip permenant marker, you can even label your rocks.  Put them in a bag or purse and carrying them around with you for the day.  Like the old "Home Ec" project of baby-sitting an egg, see if you can tote them around, and not "loose them", until tomorrow.


"Be still and know that I am God." (NIV)
"Cease striving and know that I am God." (NAS)
Psalm 46:10

Since this is your "seventh day", follow God's example, and rest.

Sit back, enjoy your beautiful "quiet place", sip a warm drink, relax, and obey God's command to "cease striving" and "be still".

"Be Still and Know" - Steven Curtis Chapman

Still / Be Still My Soul - Don Moen

Be Still and Know - Rebecca Mizell

If you made it through the day with your rocks, pull them randomly out of your bag, and one by one, give each concern to the Lord.  As you set them down on your desk or night stand, obey this command, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."  1 Peter 5:7